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Co-Convenor of the National Peace Actors Forum (PAF)


Peace and Governance

Co-Convenor of the National Peace Actors Forum (PAF)


Region: National

Period: 2018 - 2021

Partner: Act Change Transform (ACT!)

Donor: Danish International Development Agency - DANIDA



PAF is a coordination platform that steers the peace advocacy and policy agenda by bringing together various peace initiatives, organizations, sectors and leaders engaged and promoting peaceful resolution of Kenya’s diverse conflicts  through dialogue, research and building of of synergy. The NMF was born out of the need for a collective, consistent and coordinated voice on an inclusive national dialogue. The platform brings together initiatives that have and continue to engage in attempts to resolve the political crisis and conflictin the country following the August 8thelections 2017 and the 26th October 2017 repeat elections. The NMF recognises the Building Bridges Initiativeguided by the 9-point agenda as an opportunity to fast track and actualise the vision of achieving a New Kenyan Nation. 


The NMF is a coordination platform bringing together various peace initiatives, organizations, sectors and leaders engaged and promoting peaceful resolution of Kenya’s political and national conflict through dialogue. Born out of the need for a collective, consistent and coordinated voice on an inclusive national dialogue, the NMF provides a convergence for various actors to proactively seek sustainable solutions under the rallying call “The Kenya we want – towards a JUST, COHESIVE, PROSPEROUS AND PEACEFUL KENYA.”

Nakuru, Turkana, Nairobi, Migori, and Kisumu Counties

Building the Resilience of Small Sized Enterprises to cope with implications of COVID19

Turkana County

Strengthening Entrepreneurial Skills for Refugees and Host Communities in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Kalobeyei settlement, Turkana County

Building Socio-Economic Resilience among Youth for Sustainable Peace and Cohesion

Skills and Enterprise Development (SED Main)

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