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S4J Impact Report

Impactful stories, testimonials


This report highlights the impacts of the Skills for Jobs (S4J) Project under the Skills and
Enterprise Development program.


Business case study

Green Growth in the Blue Economy: Integrating Aquaculuture and the environment. (Business Case)


Green growth means fostering economic growth and development while ensuring that natural assets continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which our well-being relies.


​Capacity Building for MSMEs within Mari-culture value Chain at the Kenyan Coast region.

End of Project Report for Capacity Building for MSMEs within Mari-culture value Chain at the Kenyan Coast region.


The overall project goal is to contribute to coastal economic development in an inclusive, integrated, participatory and sustainable manner by strengthening sustainable blue economy value chains through skill development and matching, and value chain development.

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Business Growth & Management Skills Trainer's Guide

Training Manual for Refugees and host 

Migori and Nairobi have a history of heightened electoral violence resulting in death, displacement and destruction of property. There is limited coordination between the 
police and civic peace actors...

Download Document

S4J End Project Report

Skills for Jobs End Project Report


The "Skills for Jobs" project (also referred to as S4J) was designed to equip youth aged 18-35 with demand led technical skills, soft skills, work readiness trainings and entrepreneurship skills.

labour market report.png

Labour Market Assessment Report

Labour Market Assessment Report of demand driven artisan courses in Kisumu County. 


The objective of rapid assessment was to support in the identification of labour market needs of youth and employers, which will in turn help in the identification of demand driven artisan courses for short skills training.

PPSD Project impact stories.pdf reviewed

Giving Dialogue a Chance

Violence transformation, life stories, testimonials


The primary target of Pamoja's project "giving dialogue a chance" were at risk youth involved in crime and violence in Mombasa and Kisumu. The project sought to re-orienting youth to nonviolent approaches and working with relevant peace and security stakeholders to change their perception and behavior against violence and crime.


Policy 2023

The Kisumu County Vocational Education and Training Bill, 2023 Arrangement of Clauses (Policy)

AN ACT of Kisumu County Assembly to give effect to the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and the Technical Vocational Education and Training Act, 2013 and provide for a framework for the establishment of systems for the administration, management and governance of Vocational
Education and Training within Kisumu County and for connected purposes


Women in Mariculture Report

Profitable participation of Women to Mari-culture at the Coast region Report.


Apart from women participating in pre-harvesting activities they equally play a very key role as traders in what is dubbed “Mama karanga” who provide a link between the fishery and poor fish consumers, but are also vulnerable to changes in the fishery due to a lack of education, alternative livelihoods, and capital.

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Needs Assessment Report

Strengthening entrepreneurial 

skills for refugees and host community in Takuma


The objective of the needs assessment was to better understand the dynamics of the market in Kakuma camp and Kalobeyei settlement scheme in order to identify business opportunities, challenges, and possible areas of intervention.


PCR Documentation -2022

Promoting Community Resilience Towards Peaceful Elections

This evaluation assessed the extent to which the project objectives and expected outcomes were achieved and documents best practices and lessons learnt to inform future initiatives.


Experience-Based Mentorship Resource on Violence Against Women & Girls

Women & Girl Safe Spaces

The creation of women and girls safe spaces (WGSS) has emerged as a key strategy for the protection and empowerment of women and girls affected by the incidences of gender based violence. This document provides an overview of what safe spaces are, and highlights what key principles should be followed when establishing such spaces in violence and post-violent contexts.




Policy Brief on Kenya Elections

Peace is Within our Power

Elections in Kenya often intersect with multiple pre-existing conflicts in the country, typically bringing the situation to ahead. It is feared that the ongoing political tensions signal a high risk of violence in connection with the 2022 elections.



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Gender based violence prevention, life skills manual

Pamoja In & Out of School Safe Space Mentors

This life skills and education training manual is intended for out and in school adolescent girls. The learning sessions contained in this manual were developed as part of the Pamoja for Transformation safe space model for adolescent girls and boys, implemented by the Jamii Thabiti-Community Safety and security Programe in Kilifi County.




Call for Expression of Interest

Market Gap Assessment for the “Capacity Development in Renewable Energy through Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project” MGA-CDRE-TVET


Call for Expression of Interest

Call for Expression of Interest
Curriculum Development for the “Capacity Development in
Renewable Energy through Technical and Vocational Education
and Training Project”-CDRE-TVET

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